Indian Railways: 2,500 doctors, Isolation wards, time tabled parcel trains

The Indian Railways is launching several initiatives and is on the forefront in the fight against the COVID-19.

Timetabled Parcel Trains

The time tabled parcel trains have been launched by the Indian Railways to transport essential commodities and goods. The Railways intends to boost the supply chain all over the country during lock down. These trains have been planned based on the demand of the customers. The trains are to connect Bengaluru, Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Kolkata. Also, Guwahati in the North Eastern Region has been included to ensure supply to the North East. Around 90 routes have been notified and 109 trains are to be run.

These trains will deliver milk products and food products according to the demand.


The Indian Railways has recruited 2,500 temporary doctors and 35,000 paramedic staffs. Around 5,000 beds have been identified for treatment in railway hospitals all over India.

Isolation Facilities

Apart from converting its coaches into hospital beds, the Indian Railways has also launched isolation wards. Around 3,250 coaches have been converted into isolation wards so far.


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