Indian Navy’s First Training Squadron and its Visit to Madagascar

The First Training Squadron (1TS) of Indian Navy, based in Kochi, is responsible for providing basic and advanced training to the officer and sailor trainees of the Indian Navy. Recently, two ships, INS Tir and ICGS Sarathi, from the squadron visited Port Antsiranana in Madagascar, from March 20 to 23, 2023, as part of their training activities. Let us delve deeper into this visit and its significance.

Welcome at Port Antsiranana

Officers from the Malagasy Navy and representatives from the Indian Embassy at Madagascar received the ships of the First Training Squadron (1TS) at Port Antsiranana. Sri Bandaru Wilsonbabu, the Ambassador of India at Madagascar, also met the squadron members during their visit.

Meetings with the Governor and Naval Commandant

During their visit, the senior officers of the squadron called upon Mr Rakotomanga Taciano, the Governor of the region, and Captain Raorasata Dibiharivony Gislain, the Commandant of the Naval base at Antsiranana. These meetings were aimed at promoting friendly relations between the two nations.

Training Activities Undertaken

The ships of the First Training Squadron (1TS) conducted various training activities with the Malagasy Navy during their stay at Antsiranana. These activities included Nuclear Biological Chemical Defence (NBCD), Fire Fighting, Weapon Handling, and Visit Board Search and Seizure (VBSS). Such training activities are crucial for strengthening the operational capability and preparedness of both the Indian and Malagasy Navies.

Other Activities Conducted

Apart from the training activities, the ships of the First Training Squadron (1TS) also conducted a yoga session for personnel from both navies. This activity highlighted the importance of holistic development and the benefits of yoga for physical and mental health. Friendly Volleyball and Basketball matches were also played between the Indian and Malagasy teams, promoting camaraderie and goodwill.

About Antsiranana

Antsiranana is a port city in the far northern part of Madagascar Island. It has a population of around 115,000 and covers a total area of 42 km2 (16 mi2). The original name of the city was Diego Suarez, and it was coveted by France during the 1880s.



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