Indian National Centre for Ocean Information launched new Alert System

The Hyderabad based INCOIS (Indian National Centre for Ocean Information) launched a new alert system that will help reduce damage and losses to fishermen due to swell surges. The Swell Surges splash strong waves in the coast damaging boats and nets. The system will help fishermen to get prior alerts about swell surges and safeguard their boats.


The INCOIS, an autonomous body operating under Ministry of Earth Sciences launched the alert system that will help provide early warnings about Swell Surges. This is to be launched exclusively for coastal population. The Coastlines of Indian Sub-continent after Tsunami has been experiences damages due to swell waves that originate in distant Southern Indian Ocean.

The Swell Surges are more common in west coast than the east coast.

What are Swell Surges?

A Swell Surge is caused due to surface gravity. They are surface gravity waves and not wind waves (the common waves). Wind Waves are generated by the local winds. On the other hand, swell surges are generated due to distant weather systems.

They take place without any noticeable changes in local winds or coastal environment.


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