Indian International Maritime Dispute Resolution Centre (IIMDRC)

India has taken a major step in improving its maritime sector by launching the Indian International Maritime Dispute Resolution Centre (IIMDRC) during the 20th Maritime State Development Council (MSDC) meeting in Goa. This centre is expected to play a big role in managing the country’s maritime activities.

IIMDRC Objectives

The main goal of the IIMDRC is to provide a special platform for handling disputes related to the maritime industry. This is important because maritime activities often involve multiple countries, different types of contracts, and various forms of transport. The IIMDRC will help resolve these disputes using fair and industry-led solutions.

Launch of the Indian Maritime Centre (IMC)

Along with the IIMDRC, the government also introduced the Indian Maritime Centre (IMC). The IMC will act as a policy think tank, bringing together people and organizations involved in the maritime sector. It aims to encourage innovation, knowledge sharing, and strategic planning to boost the growth of India’s maritime industry.

Plans for Shipbuilding

The government is also planning to set up a Mega Shipbuilding Park, which will bring together shipbuilding capabilities from across India’s coastal states. This will improve efficiency and innovation in shipbuilding, as well as establish India as a major center for ship repair and maintenance.

India recently made progress in maritime construction by laying the foundation (known as keel laying) for its largest dredger, a ship capable of holding 12,000 cubic meters of material. This project is being carried out at Cochin Shipyard Limited in partnership with Royal IHC from the Netherlands. It is a sign of India’s growing expertise in advanced maritime construction.

Promoting Maritime Heritage

India is also working on a project to celebrate its maritime history. The National Maritime Heritage Complex (NMHC) is being developed in Lothal, Gujarat, to showcase the country’s rich maritime past. The project will involve international collaborations, with several countries already signing agreements to contribute.

Sagarmala Programme Update

The Sagarmala Programme, launched in 2015, aims to develop India’s ports and coastal areas. The plan includes 839 projects with an investment target of ₹5.79 lakh crore by 2035. So far, 262 projects worth ₹1.40 lakh crore have been completed, and another 217 projects, valued at around ₹1.65 lakh crore, are currently in progress.



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