Indian History (Fact Sheets for Civil Services Exams)
February 18, 2009 December 23, 2024

- 1. Prehistoric India
- 2. Indus Valley Civilization
- 3. Rig Vedic Society, Economy, Polity & Religion
- 4. Rig-Vedic Literature
- 5. Later Vedic Society, Economy, Polity & Religion
- 6. Later Vedic Literature
- 7. Rise of Jainism
- 8. Rise of Buddhism
- 9. Ajivikas and Other Ascetics
- 10. Ancient Republics of India
- 11. Sixteen Mahajanapadas
- 12. Magadha Empire
- 13. Invasion of Alexander on India
- 14. Maurya Empire- Chandragupta and Bindusara
- 15. Maurya Empire- Ashoka
- 16. Administration of Mauryas
- 17. Mauryan Culture, Society and Economy
- 18. Shungas, Kanvas and Mahameghavanas
- 19. Changes in Post-Mauryan times
- 20. The Indo-Greek rulers
- 21. The Shakas Rulers & Satrap System
- 22. The Satavahanas
- 23. Kushana Empire
- 24. Gupta Empire- Political History
- 25. Gupta Empire- Society, Religion, Literature
- 26. Gupta Polity, Economy, Numismatics
- 27. Gupta Art, Architecture
- 28. Vakatakas, Maitrakas and Mukharis
- 29. Era of Harsha
- 30. Early Medieval North India
- 31. Early Medieval South India
- 32. Early Medieval Society & Religion
- 33. Changes in Indian Economy (600-1000 AD)
- 34. Art and Architecture of India (600-1000 AD)
- 35. The Rashtrakutas
- 36. The Chalukyas
- 37. The Pallavas
- 38. The Cholas
- 39. Pandya Kingdom
- 40. Sangam Age
July 15, 2009 at 9:33 ami need total history
July 17, 2009 at 10:54 pmpls do post medieval india and modern india too
July 25, 2009 at 4:22 amplease mail me facts of indian history.
December 15, 2011 at 1:09 pmcan u plss update history( mideval and moders history)
March 28, 2012 at 5:24 pmPlease uploaded more material on science and technology…….I think it was there earlier but now it’s not there… please help us out in understanding the concepts in science and technology……like android, applications of various rays, plasma tv, and all
July 21, 2012 at 12:01 amthanks!!!
Anjani kumar
December 12, 2012 at 7:38 pmcan you please upload polity notes like history(all section)..
December 14, 2012 at 11:20 pmRespected Sir,
GKtoday has been a wonderful site for all exam aspirants till date providing us with enormous range of information. I belong to the working class and would request and really appreciate if you enable the contents of this site to be copied and referred offline or provide it in form of PDF in all sections like Civil Service,Bank Exams, Current Affairs etc like you have been providing in many other sections. We sit in front of the computer at work for more than 10 hours and to continue to study online gets hectic at times. It is my humble request to the author of to consider my request.
Thanks in Advance!!
May 22, 2013 at 4:28 pmSir,
I am S. Venkata Sairam belongs to working group. I depend more on GK Today site to abreast with all subjects to compete in exams. GK Today team prepared this study material in a well versed manner. The recent permission to download all the content made me very happy to study this material in offline also.
The quick facts regarding History is very well drafted covering all the important information in a condensed manner to benefit for revision. I would like to request you to kindly update the entire Indian History as like Ancient Indian History.
Further, I request that the topics – Buddhism and Jainism in the Ancient History section did not upload correctly, some other current affairs section is opening while trying to study Buddhism and Jainism chapters. Kindly make those two topics available to study which will be very useful for aspirants like me. I once again urge you to update the site as requested.
January 29, 2014 at 8:06 pmplease provide link for modern history and freedom struggle
kabeer cp
May 27, 2014 at 9:43 amgreat respect