Indian Girl Sahithi Pingali to get Planet Named after Her

Sahithi Pingali, a twelfth grader from Bengaluru will get a minor planet in Milky Way named after her as a reward for developing an integrated mobile phone app and lake monitoring kit to monitor pollution in water bodies.
Sahithi Pingali had presented her paper titled “An Innovative Crowdsourcing Approach to Monitoring Freshwater Bodies” at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF).  For her paper, she got second position and was presented three special awards in the Earth and Environment Sciences category. In addition, she has also won a gold medal at the International Sustainable World Engineering Energy Environment Project (ISWEEEP) for her research work on Varthur lake.
Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) is considered as the largest pre-college scientific research event in the world. ISEF has partnered with the Ceres Connection program of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Lincoln Laboratory which will identify a minor planet. The planets are named after the budding scientists in order to motivate them by giving a name in space.



  1. sanskruti

    June 12, 2017 at 2:20 pm

    congratulation…… and thank you for inspiring Indian girls with your great work

  2. sanskruti

    June 12, 2017 at 2:20 pm

    congratulation…… and thank you for inspiring Indian girls with your great work


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