Indian Enterprise Development Services to be created

The Union government has approved the formation of a new service in the name of Indian Enterprise Development Services (IEDS). IEDS will be created as a new service in the Office of Development Commissioner, Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME). IEDS will have a cadre strength of 617 officers, out of which, 6 will be at the level of joint secretaries. The cadre officers will handle the 72 field offices. The creation of new cadre is expected to enhance the capacity and efficiency of the organisation as well as to realize the vision of Startup India, Stand-up India and Make in India.

The new service would absorb 11 trades for which the recruitment as of now is held differently following a different set of rules. Since all the trades were created in the 1950s and 1960s when the industries got developed under the regulation regime, there is a desperate need to have a cadre of officers as the nature of work has changed over the years. The new cadre of officers is required to think holistically and work for the development of enterprises to suit the present needs.

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