India-US to expand Co-Operation in Knowledge Sector

HRD Minister Dr. Pallam Raju who was leading Indian delegation for a round table discussion a discussion on Advances in US-India Academic Partnership in Washington announced that India will intensify co-operation in knowledge sector with the US. Both nations have finalized eight more awards under the Singh-Obama Knowledge Initiative. There is a proposal to place young Indian faculties in best of US institutions to boost up their capabilities. Under this plan 126 post doctorals have been selected.
India has sought US co-operation in promoting skill building in India through community colleges through supportive co-operation in the field of ICT, digital world, promoting quality research and innovation and boosting vocational education system. 20 billion dollars of additional resources will be pumped in the state system to ensure access and excellence in tertiary education through National Higher Education Mission (RUSA in vernacular). For institution level collaborations in promoting vocational education system in India the HRD Ministry has approved and notified the National Vocational Education Qualifications Framework (NVEQF). 
The central issues around which the discussion took place were collaboration in the field of Community Colleges and promoting massive online courses and Technology Enabled Education. Issues related to student mobility, particularly encouraging US students to visit India were also part of discussion.
What is Singh-Obama Knowledge Initiative?
Fulfilling the commitment building an enhanced India-U.S. partnership in education, the top leaders of both nations Indian PM Manmohan Singh and US President  Barack Obama announced the Singh-Obama Knowledge Initiative in November 2009 with both country pledging $5 million for this endeavor, for a total of $10 million.
Objective of this Initiative: To further strengthen, through faculty exchanges, joint research, and other collaboration, partnerships between American and Indian institutions of higher education in priority fields, including food security, climate change, sustainable energy, and public health. 
To implement this initiative, the Governments of India and the United States established a bi-national Obama-Singh Initiative joint working group (JWG). The JWG provides the final approval for all grants awarded through the Obama-Singh Initiative. The JWG will allocate the $10 million over the course of a five year period awarding 8 to 10 university partnership grants annually.



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