India to surpass China's population by 2022: UN Report

India is going to become the most populous nation in the world by surpassing China in 2022.
It was revealed in recently released United Nation’s report titled ‘World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision’ indicating India’s population growth within next seven years.
Key highlights from report

  • India will become most populous nation, six years earlier than it was previously forecasted and will retain the top spot till year 2100.
  • At present, China which is world’s populous country with approximately 1.38 billion population while, India has 1.31 billion.
  • India’s population around and after 2022, is projected to grow for several decades. It will be around to 1.5 billion in 2030 and 1.7 billion in 2050.
  • Life expectancy: In case of India life expectancy at birth will also improve over the next decades. It will grow from 71.7 years in 2025-2030 to 75.9 years in 2045-2050. It will be around 84.6 years in 2095-2100.
  • China’s population: It is expected to remain fairly constant till 2030s, after which it is expected to decrease slightly.
  • World Population forecast: Half of the world’s population growth is expected to be concentrated in 9 countries during 2015-2050. They are India, Pakistan, US, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Congo, Indonesia and Uganda.

It should be noted that, as per earlier population forecast issued in 2013, India was expected to surpass China’s population by 2028.


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