India South Sudan relations

India recognized South Sudan in the year 2011 immediately after South Sudan became independent. South Sudan maintains an embassy in New Delhi and India at Juba.

South Sudan was under the British – Egyptian rule from 1899 to 1955. It became independent and agreed to remain under the Government of Sudan in 2005 by signing a comprehensive peace agreement. The agreement was signed between the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement. In due course, South Sudan was established after a peaceful referendum where in 98.5% South Sudanese voted for independence.

During the first Sudanese civil war (1962 – 72) and the second Sudanese civil war (1983 – 2005) India remained neutral. After the war, in 2006 India actually began its relations with the country. India invited South Sudanese citizens for exchange programs in India.

As of January 2016, around 2000 Indian military forces are employed in the UNMISS – United Nations Mission in South Sudan (a peace keeping mission). In 2012, South Sudan was included in the Pan Africa e – network project. India boosted the non – existent power generation infrastructure by completing a solar electrification project in 2011. Under the Vocational Training Program, India set up technology parks in the country.

India is a major destination for the South Sudanese patients seeking medical assistance. Under the ITEC program, South Sudanese citizens are provided 200 slots. Under the ICCR scholarship program, South Sudanese students have been allocated 10 scholarships.

ONGC contributes to 25% of the hydrocarbon trade in South Sudan. Though it was interrupted during the civil wars, it was revitalized in 2018. India’s trade with South Sudan is very sparse. India imports oil and timber from Sudan. In 2016, the total imports from South Sudan was around 348 million USD. India exports 1.3 billion USD worth goods to the country. It is very less as compared to China, Kenya and Uganda. The exports include pharmaceuticals and automobiles.

There are around 1000 Indians living in South Sudan currently.

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