India, US resolve to enhance cooperation in aviation security, counter-terror

India and United States (US) at the Homeland Security Dialogue have resolved to enhance bilateral cooperation in areas, including counter-terrorism, immigration and aviation security. For this dialogue, Indian delegation was led by Additional Secretary in Home Ministry Rajni Sekhri Sibal, while US side was led by James McCament, Deputy Under Secretary, Department of Homeland Security.

Key Facts

The recent talks between both countries in dialogue focused on issues relating to security cooperation, customs and immigration, aviation security, capacity building. Both countries are in process of firming up list of terror fugitives and have agreed on names of individuals for global entry programme (GEP) under Homeland Security Presidential Directive-6 (HSPD-6) Agreement. The HSPD-6 agreement allows sharing of terror-related information, while GEP exempts prominent citizens from immigration checks. US has already finalised such agreements with 30 countries.


India-United States cooperation in matters related to counter-terror initiatives and intelligence sharing is part of the dialogue. Both sides have agreed to work out modalities to address these issues. There have been several rounds of discussions between interlocutors of two countries in past two year and both sides have narrowed down their differences on several key issues on sharing of data on militants.


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