India ranks 77 on sustainability index and 131 on Flourishing Index

On February 20, 2020, WHO, Lancet and UNICEF together released a report titled “A Future for the World’s Children”. According to the report, a new Global index has been included in comparing performance of child nutrition, education and sustainability.

According to the report, India ranked 131 in flourishing index and 77 on sustainability index.


The report says that India has improved in health and sanitation. However, it has to increase its spending on Health. Around 180 countries were compared in the report. The parameters of comparison included child survival, child wellbeing, health and education, sustainability, child nutrition.

Key Findings of the report

Because of stunting and poverty, around 250 million children in low- and middle-income countries are at risk of not reaching their developmental potential.

Best and Least Performers

The children in countries such as Republic of Korea and Netherlands have best chances of survival. On the other hand, Chad, Niger, Somalia and Mali were the least performers and face very bad odds.

Current Scenario

The report has named USA, Saudi Arabia and Australia as the top 10 highest emitters. Norway, Netherlands and Republic of Korea emit 210% more than the target set by them towards the per capita target of 2030.

Major Issues

According to the report, the poorest countries have to do more to support their children health and ability. They have to spend lots towards their children health in order to provide them healthy lives. This disproportionately is affected by the carbon emissions from rich countries. The issue overall is threatening lives of all children.

The current scenario is capable of crating devastating health consequences such as malaria, malnutrition and Dengue. Along with this the threats from heat waves and rising ocean levels are also high.


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