India has recently signed MoU with which country to boost horticulture research?
India has recently signed MoU with which country to boost horticulture research?
[D]South Africa
The Public Sector Enterprise of Government of India (GoI), Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Horticulture Innovation Australia (Hort Innovation) for launching a joint funding call to support Research and Development (R&D) organizations and other eligible entities to undertake novel and cutting-edge strategic translational research in horticulture at affordable costs. The focus of the joint call is to carry out horticultural research in order to develop and deploy modern tools of plant biotechnology to improve crop productivity. The funding commitment from BIRAC and Hort Innovation is upto AUD 6 Million over a period of 3 years.