India-European Union to work together on Integrated Local Energy Systems

During India’s Smart Utility Week, India and European Union called upon Integrated Local Energy System. The countries are to work upon clean energy and climate. The collaboration will help to improvise clean energy supply


The collaboration and steps that were taken are completely based on Mission Innovation. The collaboration will aim at increasing the contribution of renewables. Along side of the collaboration, India and Sweden are to work on Smart Grids. These projects are to be funded by Department of Science and Technology (DST). The DST has so far established 3 major international smart grids in 24 countries.

Smart Grid Systems

Smart Grids are electricity networks that allow devices to communicate (between consumers and suppliers), protect distribution network, allow to manage demand, save energy and reduce costs.

Mission Innovation

Mission Innovation is a global initiative of 24 countries. It aims at accelerating clean affordable energy to create commercial opportunities. It was announced by Bill Gates at COP21 in 2015 along with PM Modi, President Obama and President Hollande (French).


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