India Elected To Executive Board of First UN-Habitat Assembly

India has been elected to the Executive Board of the first UN-Habitat Assembly which is being held at Nairobi. The theme for the UN-Habitat Assembly is “Innovation for Better Quality of Life in Cities and Communities”.

UN-Habitat Assembly

The UN-Habitat Assembly is scheduled to review and approve the UN-Habitat Strategic Plan 2020-2025 and review the Progress in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.

  • UN-Habitat, United Nations programme for human settlements is a programme of the UN General Assembly initiated in 1978 to address issues of urban growth.
  • It aids countries and cities to take advantage of the opportunities urbanization offers by combining world-class expertise and local knowledge, and provide achievable, customizable and scalable solutions to the toughest urbanization problems.
  • UN habitat aims to ensure cities become inclusive and affordable drivers of economic growth, social development and environmental change.

UN-Habitat based in over 90 countries works for a better urban future and promotes the development of socially and environmentally sustainable human settlements and strive for adequate shelter with better living standards for all.

New Urban Agenda

New Urban Agenda was adopted at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) in 2016 and was approved by the UN General Assembly. It represents a shared vision for a better and more sustainable future.

The New Urban Agenda sets a new global standard for sustainable urban development and provides a roadmap for building cities that can serve as engines of prosperity and centres of cultural and social well-being while protecting the environment together with guidance for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

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