India – Comoros Relations

The diplomatic relations between India and Comoros was established in the year 1976. Comor0s became independent from French rule in 1975. The mission in Antananarivo is accredited to Comoros currently. There is no Comoros mission in India. However, the countries have close and friendly relations. They have similarities in global and regional issues.

In 2013 Exim Bank of India provided a line of credit of 41.6 million USD for setting up power plant. Among the eight vocational training centers established by India in the African continent, one is located in Comoros. The centers trai

In 2008, India offered 25,000 tons of non – Basmati rice to help relieve the flood crisis. Again in 2012, India provided 100,000 USD to help Comoros recover from torrential rains.

As a part of South – south cooperation India is offering training programs under ITEC and IAFS. South – south cooperation is a term to describe exchange of technology, resources and knowledge between the developing countries.

India exports 17.76 million USD worth goods to Comoros (2014 – 15). India imports 11.30 million USD worth goods to the country. The exports include meat, textiles, cereals, clothing, engineering goods, etc. The products imported from Comoros include pepper, cloves, nutmeg, etc.

The Government of India offers various scholarships to the citizens of Comoros. It includes ITEC – Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation, IAFS summit scholarships, Indian Council for cultural relations.

Around 250 Indians reside in Comoros. They are involved in trade and business.

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