India – Cameroon Relations

The bilateral relations between the countries was established in 1960. Cameroon got its independence the same year from France. Cameroon provided its complete support to the NAM – Non-Aligned Movement since its independence. The high commission of India in Nigeria is accredited to Cameron as well. There are no diplomatic missions of Cameroon in India. Following the Cameroon PM visit in April 2019, India announced the permanent embassy to be established in New Delhi.

The country supports India for its contributions in the African regional development. It supported the Indian candidature of Kamalesh Sharma as Common Wealth Secretary General. He was the 5th secretary general from 2008 to 2016.

India exports 150 million USD worth goods to Cameroon (2016 – 17). It includes rice, pharmaceuticals, etc. India imports 359 million USD (2016 – 17) worth goods from Cameroon. Crude oil is the major import from the country. The growth of exports and imports associated with Cameroon has constantly decreasing. The imports declined by 35% in 2017 as compared to the previous year and the exports declined by 21%.

There is no direct air connectivity between the countries.

In 2007, India donated 60 tractors to the country. In 2013 the PM of Cameroon participated in the CII conclave. Following this, the Indian investments towards the country increased. Today there are around 60 Indian companies operating in Cameroon. It includes plastics, biscuits, cartons, smelting of scraps, bottling and distribution of alcohol, bauxite mining, iron ore mining, etc. Indian firms also own coffee plantations and cocoa plantations in Cameroon.

In 2009, India provided 37 million USD as line of credit to develop rice and maize farming in the country. In 2010, Pan – African E – network project was implemented in Cameroon. In 2012, India extended 42 million USD line of credit for cassava plantation projects in the country.

In 2015, Cameroon requested India to help build its defense force to combat Boko Haram. In response, India sent its officials to train Cameroon defense forces in anti – terror operations. Boko Haram are group of people of Sunnah Muslim community. Their aim is to purify Islam in Chad, Niger, northern Cameroon and Nigeria.

There are around 600 Indians living in Cameroon. They are involved in business, trading, education, etc.

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