India and Switzerland prepare to renegotiate the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement

India and Switzerland prepare to renegotiate the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement which would be finalised most probably by next year.
This will enable India to seek details about blackmoney stashed in Swiss Banks. The talks are to begin in December.

Quick Facts: Bilateral Agreements Between India & Switzerland:

  1. The Treaty of Friendship and Establishment of 14th August 1948, which came into force on 5th May 1948
  2. Indo Swiss Agreement on Technical and Scientific Co-operation signed on 27th September 1966.
  3. The Exchange of Letters on 20th February 1989 between Switzerland and India concerning assistance in criminal matters, which came into force on 20th February 1989
  4. The Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation between the Swiss Confederation and the Republic of India with respect to income taxes, which came into force on 29th December 1994
  5. The Agreement on Indo-Swiss Collaboration in Biotechnology for 5 years was signed on 13th September 1999.
  6. The Agreement for the Promotion and Protection of Investments between the Swiss Confederation and the Republic of India, which came into force on 16th February 2000.
  7. Indo-Swiss Agreement relating to Co-operation in Air Services signed on 2nd May 2001.
  8. The Agreement on Co-operation in the fields of Science and Technology between the Swiss
  9. Federal Council and the Government of the Republic of India signed on 10th November 2003.
  10. The Grant Agreement between the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs and the International Competence Center for Organic Agriculture in India signed on 3rd February 2005
  11. A Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Commerce and Industry of India and the Federal Department of Economic Affairs of Switzerland on intellectual property signed on 7th August 2007.

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