India and Peshawar Attack

Despite a change in mood in Pakistan after the Peshawar massacre, India cannot afford to be complacent given that the network of the various ‘Talibans’ is more united and synchronised than ever, and benefits from the differences between South Asian neighbours.

There is a deep sense of anger and empathy across India about the brutality of the Peshawar attack . India cannot afford to be unconcerned with the fact that the terror network which Pakistan had woven for India had come to attack on its own doorsteps.

Pakistan’s National Action Plan

Taliban network has become more stronger than ever. The different factions have become more synchronised in their strategies against the India and the benefits it draws from the growing differences between India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and China. It is left for Pakistan to implement its National Action Plan against terror which includes establishing fast-track, anti-terror courts; crackdown on banned organisations and terrorists, choking their finances and also disarming the militia. The plan also envisages the regulation of madrassas that train the recruits to these groups.

The different Talibans

The euphemisms of good and bad Taliban, are used for the Taliban groups operating in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The two factions were not always separate as it was in 2008 TTP or Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan was established under the patronage of Baitullah Mehsud and with Mullah Omar as its Chief patron. Mehsud had been very close to the Afghanistan Taliban. It were the differences between Mehsud and his Afghan cousins which led to Taliban growth in Pakistan. The leaders were however trained in Afghan jihad and never let go their basic aim against Pakistani civilians.

Pakistani indifference

Pakistan has remained indifferent to the attacks on Indian soils and despite repeated requests by India to take masterminds of Mumbai attacks to task, Pakistan considers them as allies and have turned a blind eye to their rioting operations in Punjab. It has ignore the deadly facts that these groups run unchallenged terror machines within Pakistan and can soon take on their military patrons. The Punjab Taliban has deep links with the jihadists in FATA and thus will be difficult to control. Pakistan has to brace for a bloody stand-off as Punjab Taliban has been linked with almost all attacks on Pakistan soil.

It has emerged that there is an ISI within ISI and a jihadi army within the Pakistani army which carries out its operations as sleeper cell- the “313 brigade” with their interests aligned with the Pakistani establishment of fighting India. The theory although did not have many takers in India and Pakistan but the seriousness of the issue cannot be brushed under the rug and has to be vigilant along its borders.

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