India allows export of 12 Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API)

On April 7, 2020, the Government of India allowed the export of 12 Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs). GoI had earlier banned the export of these APIs and their formulations to prevent their shortages in India.


The Directorate General of Foreign Trade amended the export ban. The major drugs that were banned include Vitamins B6, B1, B12, Neomycin, Erythromycin, Acyclovir. The Pharmexcil has expressed concerns to lift the ban on Paracetamol as well.


The Pharmexcil is Pharmaceuticals and Export Promotion Council of India that operates under Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The amin function of the council is to represent GoI in abroad to get solutions to problems in the industry. It also provides suggestions to GoI in solving issues related to exports of Pharma products.

The products and services that fall under Pharmexcil include API, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy, surgicals, nutraceuticals, biologics, ayurvedha and dosage forms.


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