India 7th most terror-affected country

As per a report of Global Terrorism Index (GTI) 2016, which is released by Institute of Economics and Peace which is a think-tank based in Sydney, Australia India has been ranked 7th among a list of countries which are most affected by terrorism in 2015.

India has been ranked among the top 6 Asian nations most affected by terrorism. In the Heart of Asia conference which was held on December 04, 2016 had adopted the Amritsar Declaration. It recognises terrorism, extremism, radicalisation, separatism and sectarianism and all connections among them as the gravest challenges faced by the region.

The declaration had raised special concerns about all South Asia based terror outfits like ISIS and its affiliates, Al-Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad, Haqqani network  and even Tehreek-e-Taliban, Pakistan. As per a report, although there has been a sharp decline of about 45% in the terrorism-related deaths in 2015 as compared to 2014, the number of casualties in army and paramilitary forces is recorded at an eight-year high. The number of terrorist attacks has risen by 4% with a number of 797 recorded this year. However, despite the number being high, about 80% of these were non-lethal. These attacks were carried out by 49 different terrorist groups but 31 of them failed to kill anyone.

The data suggests that India experienced twice as many attacks as Syria (384) but fewer than Iraq (2415), Afghanistan (1715) and Pakistan (1008) in 2015. Also in a worldwide report, the total number of deaths declined by 10% from the highest level of 32, 765 in 2014 to 29, 376 in 2015.

The score in GTI is based on weightage given to total number of incidents, fatalities, injuries and damage caused to property in the year under scan. It also compares the data with the with previous four years.


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