In which year National Leprosy Eradication Program came into effect?

The National leprosy Control Programme was launched by Government of India in 1955. This programme was based upon Dapsone (diamino-diphenyl sulfone) domicillary treatment. In 1970s Dapsone in combination with rifampicin and clofazimine as multidrug therapy (MDT) for the treatment of Mycobacterium leprae infections (leprosy) was indentified. This MDT came into wide applications by 1982. The use of MDT for Leprosy was recommended by WHO and in this context in 1981 the Government of India established a high power committee to deal with the problem of leprosy. Dr. M S Swaminathan was the chairman of this committee. Based upon the recommendations of WHO Study group followed by Dr. M S Swaminathan Committee, the Government launched National Leprosy Eradication Programme in 1983. The NLEP was launched as a 100% centrally sponsored scheme. For 7-8 years this programme could bring limited results. In 1991 World Health Assembly resolved to eliminate leprosy at a global level by the year 2000 and in 1993 first World bank Supported Project to eradicate leprosy was launched in India. The first project worth Rs. 550 crore ended in 2000. Second project partially funded by World Bank ended in 2004.

Since 2005, the government is running this programme from Govt. of India funds with additional support from WHO and ILEP. The global elimination of Leprosy was achieved in 2001. India achieved in 2005.

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