In recent times, which among the following proposed legislation have been in news in relation to copyright infringements on internet?

In recent times, which among the following proposed legislation have been in news in relation to copyright infringements on internet?
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
[A]Only 1 & 2
[B]Only 2 & 3
[C]Only 3
[D]1, 2 & 3

Only 2 & 3
CISPA: Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act: To provide for the sharing of certain cyber threat intelligence and cyber threat information between the intelligence community and cyber security entities, and for other purposes. PIPA: Protect IP Act: Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011 SOPA: Stop Online Piracy Act: To expand the ability of U.S. law enforcement to combat online copyright infringement and online trafficking in counterfeit goods.

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