‘IMPRINT INDIA’ initiative is aimed at improving what field in India?

‘IMPRINT INDIA’ initiative is aimed at improving what field in India?
[A]Inland security
[B]Military cooperation
[C]Foreign trade
[D]Scientific research

Scientific research
IMPRINT INDIA is the joint initiative of IIT’s and IISC to give boost to scientifuc research within the country. IMPRINT India will focus on ten themes with each to be coordinated by one IIT/IISc, namely computer science and ICT (IIT Kharagpur), health care (IIT Kharagpur), advance materials, (IIT Kanpur), sustainable urban design (IIT Roorkee), water resources and river systems (IIT Kanpur), defence (IIT Madras), environmental science and climate change ( IISc, Bangalore), manufacturing(IIT Madras), nano-technology hardware (IIT Bombay) and energy security (IIT Bombay).

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