Importance of Ethical Values in Good Governance

The concept of “governance” is the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or not implemented). Good governance is characterised by 8 major values. It is participatory, consensus oriented, accountable, transparent, responsive, effective and efficient, equitable and inclusive and follows the rule of law. They have been discussed below:

Encouraging Participation

Participation is a key foundation of good governance. Direct participation or through intermediate institution proves a good start for better governance. Representative democracy is more concerned about the most vulnerable sections and considers them while making a decision. They should be organized and informed. Organized civil society will have freedom of association and expression in governance.

Abiding by law

Good governance requires fair and impartial legal law to run smoothly. It requires protection of human rights, of tribes and minorities. Independent judiciary and incorruptible police force and bureaucracy are required to maintain the quality of governance.


It means to follow rules and regulations while taking a decision. The information is available directly to the public who are recipients and target groups of any such decisions. It also means that enough information is provided in easily understandable forms and media.

Being Responsive

Good governance with a responsive team process and serve all participants their needs in a stipulated timeframe.

Consensus oriented

There are several actors and everyone in the group feels ownership of the final decision involved in developing a solution. Historical, cultural and social contexts of a given society or community should be understood to develop better solutions and make better decisions. Good governance requires mediation of the different interests in society to reach a broad consensus in the best interest of all. It also requires a long-term outlook on sustainable human development and how to achieve the goals.

Equity and inclusiveness

A society’s well-being depends on enabling each member to improve their wellbeing, reduce social gaps and to improve living status, regardless of race, class, gender, ethnicity, disability and not to feel excluded from the mainstream society. This requires all groups, especially the most vulnerable, improve or maintain their wellbeing using the given opportunity.

Effectiveness and efficiency

Good governance works to meet the needs of society making the use of resources. It aims at sustainable development and protecting the nature.


An organization or an institution is accountable to the section, considering which the decisions or actions are taken. It is the key prerequisite of good governance. The government and civil society are accountable to the public. It can be enforced with transparency and the rule of law.

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