IIT Guwahati Researchers Explore African Swine Fever Virus Protein

Scientists at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati have made great progress in understanding the biochemistry of the African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV). They have focused on the p30 protein, which is very important for the virus to enter animals. The goal of this work is to come up with successful ways to control the disease, such as vaccines.

Background on ASFV

African Swine Fever (ASF) is a very contagious virus that affects both farmed and wild pigs. It causes pig farms to lose a lot of money. To stop spreads, you need to understand how they happen.

The Role of p30 Protein

The p30 protein is on the outside of ASFV and is very important for:

  • Virus Attachment: It connects to certain receptors on host cells, which makes it easier for the virus to get inside.
  • Defense Evasion: p30 helps the virus get past the host’s defense system.

Research Significance

Prof. Sachin Kumar and his team’s research has shown how important it is to understand p30’s functions, such as

  • Epitopic Domains: These parts of the p30 protein help turn on the host’s immune system, which helps make vaccines.
  • RNase Activity: p30 has RNA-degrading traits that help the virus change how host cells work.

To look into how p30 works with RNase:

  • Scientists took RNA from cells of mammals and put it in contact with p30.
  • To detect RNA degradation, methods such as electrophoresis and fluorimetry were used.

About African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV)

Animals that get infected with the African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) get a sickness that is very easily spread and kills all of them. It was first found in 1921 and is spread by tick bites, direct touch, and food that has been tainted. ASFV doesn’t get damaged by normal cooking and can live for a long time in many places. They don’t have a vaccine, so protection is very important. People are not at risk of getting ASFV infections, but outbreaks can be very bad for economies and pork businesses around the world.



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