IGI Airport ranked best by Airport Council International

Airport Council International (ACI) has ranked Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport of Delhi as the world’s most performing airports in the 25-40 million passengers per annum (MPPA) category. For this achievement, IGI has won the annual ASI’s Airport Service Quality (ASQ) award for the year 2014.
This award recognises and rewards the best airports in the world based upon Geneva-based ACI’s ASQ passenger satisfaction survey.
While in this rankings, Chhatrapati Shivaji International (CSI) Airport of Mumbai was placed at Fifth position.
IGI is run by Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL), a joint venture between the Airports Authority of India (AAI) and GMR Group-led consortium.
While, the CSI is run by Mumbai International Airport Limited (MIAL), a joint venture between the AAI and GVK group-led consortium.
ASI’s Airport Service Quality (ASQ) passenger satisfaction survey
The survey rates each airport’s performance in 34 key service areas under eight major categories. These 8 categories include access, check-in, security, airport facilities, food and beverage providers etc at more than 300 airports worldwide.
All participating airports use the same survey questions, creating an industry standard set of responses that allows participants them analyse their performance.
The results of the survey also allow airports to track and analyse their performance by comparing other airports around the globe.


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