IGCAR Recruitment 2019: JRF Vacancies

Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) has issued notifications for recruiting eligible candidates to the posts of Junior Research Fellowships in the areas of physical, chemical and engineering sciences. Please find detailed information regarding the vacancies below.

Important Dates

Commencement of online Registration: 01.05.2019

Last date for applying: 20.05.2019

Date of written examination: 09.06.2019 at Chennai.

How to Apply

Eligible candidates must ensure that they possess the necessary qualifications and fulfil all the required criteria before applying for the posts.

Interested candidates need to apply online by visiting the Official Website. No other mode of application submission would be accepted.

Candidates are required to take a printout of the application form generated by the system. It will be required at the final stage of the recruitment process.

Candidates should have valid a personal E-mail ID and mobile number. It should be kept active till the recruitment process is fully complete.

Essential Qualification

Category – A:

Masters in Science/ Integrated M. Sc is the eligible qualification for the following subjects:

S. NoMain SubjectAdditional Requirements
1PhysicsMathematics/Numerical Methods must be one of the subject at M.Sc. level


Chemistry as ancillary at B.Sc. Level

2Materials Science/ Materials Science and EngineeringPhysics, Mathematics and Chemistry at B. Sc. Level


B.Sc. in Materials Science


(General, Applied, Organic, Inorganic, Physical, Analytical)

Physics and Mathematics as ancillary subjects at B.Sc.Level
4Radiation PhysicsPhysics, Chemistry and Mathematics as ancillary subjects at B.Sc. level

Category – B:

M.Tech / M.E in Nuclear Engineering / Nuclear Science & Technology

Category – C:

B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. Engg./B.Sc. [Tech.]. in any one of the following disciplines with a valid GATE score

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Computer Science Engineering
  • Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • Metallurgical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Materials Science & Engineering
  • Materials Technology
  • Engineering Physics

Category – D:

Candidates with M.Tech:

  • Admission to M.Tech. should be on the basis of GATE score (A certificate from institution to the effect that admission to M.Tech. was based on GATE score should be submitted at the time of interview)
  • The GATE Score should be in any one of the disciplines mentioned in Category C
  • Should have their B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. Engg./ B.Sc. [Tech.] degree in any one of the disciplines listed in Category C.

Selection Procedure

Selection of candidates for all the posts would be made on the basis of the performance of the eligible candidates in the following:

  • Written Examination at Chennai
  • Interview at Kalpakkam/Chennai


(including Nuclear Science)



Written Test (tentative date)09/06/2019No Written test
Interview (tentative dates)22/06/2019 (Saturday)

23/06/2019 (Sunday)

15/06/2019 (Saturday)

16/06/2019 (Sunday)


Maximum: 28 years

Cut Off Date: 01.01.2019

Upper Age limit is relaxable by:

3 years for OBC (Non Creamy Layer).

5 years for SC/ST candidates.

Persons with Disabilities Candidates: 10 years

Other Information


Junior Research Fellows (JRF) and will be paid a stipend of

Rs. 31,000/- per month.

Official Link

Official Website

Apply Online

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