IEA publishes ‘Global Energy & CO2 Status Report’

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has recently published the ‘Global Energy & CO2 Status Report’, which is designed to provide an update on the world’s energy markets, including the latest available data for oil, natural gas, coal, wind, solar, nuclear power, electricity, and energy efficiency. According to the Report, According to the IEA’s Global Energy & CO2 status report, India saw primary energy demand increase 4% or over 35 million tonne of oil equivalent in 2018. This accounts for 11% of global demand growth. Comparably, energy consumption worldwide grew by 2.3% in 2018. This is nearly twice the average rate of growth since 2010. Global energy demand growth was driven by a robust economy as well as higher heating and cooling needs in some parts of the world. The growth in India was led by coal for power generation and oil for transport. The world’s three largest energy intensive countries, China, the United States, and India, together accounted for nearly 70% of the rise in global energy demand.

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