ICMR to develop COVID-19 Vaccine

The Indian Council of Medical Research has tied up with Bharat Biotech International Limited (BBIL) to develop indigenous vaccine. The vaccine is to be developed using virus strains that have been isolated from COVD-19 patients at National Institute of Virology (NIV), Pune.


The Vaccines are important as they play a major role in preventing diseases. Vaccines were the main key to eradicate Small pox.

Current Scenario

Over 40 vaccines are under development in various stages all over the world. The Oxford University recently announced that researchers of the university have begun testing a vaccine against the COVID-19. The Serum Institute of India is one of the partners of the programme.

The Moderna, a US based biotechnology company is now into phase I of clinical trials of a vaccine. Also, a Hong-Kong based biotech firm has announced that it is under phase II of clinical trials of vaccines.

Working of a Vaccine

A Vaccine actually trains the immune system to combat the disease causing pathogen. The idea of vaccination is to inject an inactive harmless strain of the disease causing virus into the body. The immune system will start defending the body against these disease causing agents.

The body thus stays immune even if to an attack of an active pathogen.


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