ICMR to conduct nation-wide Sero Survey

The Indian Council of Medical Research is to conduct nation wide sero survey. The survey is to carried out to determine the exposure of COVID-19 infection among the population.


The sero survey will test the blood serum of group of individuals. The survey is used to monitor trends of COVOD-19 disease at district level. The survey is to be carried out in association with National Centre for Disease Control.

What is Serological Test?

A Serological test will examine blood serum that is left after cells have coagulated. It tells about the presence of antibodies that are made in human body in response to the COVID-19 antigens.

Why Sero-Testing?

The COVID-19 spread in India is in such a way that a more focused population based sero survey is required. This is because there is no evidence for community transmission in the country. However, there are large outbreaks in certain clusters. Therefore, sero survey is the best solution to contain COVID-19 in India as the country’s population is high.


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