IAS General Studies Prelims Question No. 75

A joint session of the Parliament can be summoned to resolve a deadlock on __:
1. Constitutional amendment bill
2. Ordinary bill
4. Money bill
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1 & 3
[B] Only 2 & 3
[C] Only 2
[D] Only 1 & 2
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[C] Only 2
The President can call joint sessions of the parliament if a bill passed by one House is rejected by the other House or if the amendments proposed to a bill by one House are not acceptable to the other House, does not take any action on a bill remitted to it for six months. The deadlock over a bill in a joint sitting is resolved by present and voting. Since the Lok Sabha has a larger membership in a joint sitting generally the will of the Lok Sabha prevails. After the passage of the bill in a joint sitting it is presented to the President for his assent. But no joint sitting can be summoned to resolve a deadlock in case of a Money bill or a Constitutional Amendment bill.

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