IAF indigenous Vayulink platform

The Indian Air Force has developed a solution for its fighter pilots to deal with bad weather. The innovative solution developed is a new data link communication called VAYULINK. It will provide uninterrupted communication even during bad weather. Above all the communication link is jammer-proof.


It uses IRNSS to send and receive signals. IRNSS is a satellite constellation of ISRO. It is also called NAVIC. However, the unique feature of the communication link is that its satellite usage is rare. It means the system uses the satellite only when the signals are low.


VAYULINK prevents Fratricide. Meaning, killing your own sister or brother. During air force fire operations, if the signals are misinterpreted there are chances that one IAF flight may shoot another IAF flight. Also, there are chances that our own flights may shoot our own ground stations. Such instances are referred to as Fratricide. And VAYULINK will aid in preventing FRATRICIDE.

How does VAYULINK prevent Fratricide?

When VAYULINK is installed in spacecraft, it provides proximity to other aircraft. With encrypted data about IAF flights, VAYULINK identifies it separately. Also, our own ground stations shall be identified easily with VAYULINK.

Benefits of VAYULINK

It prevents aircraft collision, aids in multiple team coordination, aids pilots to traverse hilly regions at ease



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