How Sero-survey evaluates the trend of Covid-19?

Indian Council for Medical Research has recommended to carry out sero-surveys to detect the presence of coronavirus antibodies in the people. Such surveys conducted in big cities have proved to be beneficial to understand the activities and characteristics of the Covid-19 virus.


  • Surveys have been conducted to find out the pandemic’s progress.
  • Samples have been collected from different parts of the cities like slums and other areas.
  • Evidence is being evaluated based on the survey conducted on different age groups of the population.
  • Separate analyses have been calculated on males and females.
  • Based on the overall result, a report is published to understand the trend of the spread of infection, mortality rate, and curability rate.


  • As per the survey report, the pandemic is spreading faster than it was expected in cities like Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Delhi, Pune.
  • Financially weaker sections residing in dense areas like slums could be hit harder.
  • The younger generation are mostly affected.

Delhi sero-survey indicates the highest virus exposure in minors aged 5-17. About 34.7% of the age group of 5-17 years had Covid-19 antibodies and in the case of above 50 years old, it is 31.2%.

  • The women group is more prone to the virus affection and in case of severity male population is highest.

The first sero-survey was conducted by ICMR in June on 26,400 people, including low and high incidence districts. According to the survey, a sero-prevalence of less than 1 % have been found, although the final report by ICMR is yet to be released.


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