How different is modern method from the traditional method of locust control?

Desert locust attack had been a lifelong problem for farmers residing in subcontinent primarily in India, and Pakistan. Traditionally, when technology was not developed, the farmers used to destroy the breeding ground itself, if any left from this, they use to kill locust larvae before it could even fly. Apart from this, the farmer used the net system and the Dhotar method. In the net system, a bag is used, the bag is made to swing across the fields which eventually traps young locusts in it. While in Dhotar system the villagers use a blanket to trap locusts resting on the crops. Both the system was very tedious and required large manpower. During colonial times Britishers used to deploy Indians in the fields to carry such activities which were cumbersome yet ineffective. However ecologically, there are few species of birds (Crow, Kites, Starling) which can keep a check on the desert locust provided they are in large numbers. But due to current environmental conditions, some of them are on a verge to extinct.
Modern Technique has evolved a lot, with the introduction of drones, pest controllers and modern methods of crop monitoring system the crisis can be controlled. Aerial spraying eliminates the breeding ground for locusts leaving them incapable of destroying the ready crop. The Indian government is working towards deploying more modern instruments to curb the attack. Recently in his Mann Ki Baat PM Modi urged the young minds of the nations to build indigenous modern scientific farm machinery which can be of great help in such situations. PM also mentioned about Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University and stated how the university can work with the shoulder to shoulder while doing research and development on such issue.


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