Heavy Rains Forecast Raised Concerns for Kharif Crops

Heavy rains forecast across the central and western regions have raised the fears of crop losses in the last week of September. This year, the retreating monsoon is expected to pick up in most parts of India with heavy rainfall  in the farming belts.

Impact of Monsoon on Indian Agriculture

The Indian economy heavily depends on the agriculture. About 70% of the Indian population depends on farming either directly or indirectly. 58% of the total employment in the country is in the agriculture sector. Contribution of Agriculture sector stands at 18% of the GDP.

  • Majority of the crop area is completely dependent on monsoon rains as it is not equipped with methods of manual irrigation. So, the economy gains as a result of good monsoon in the country.
  • Good monsoon increases the Farm output and the demand increases for consumer goods.
  • It increases the income of rural people.
  • Normal monsoon keeps checking the food inflation due to availability of food produce.

June to September is the month for Southwest monsoon in India. More than 75% of India’s annual rainfall occurs during this period. So, the season is highly beneficial for the Monsoon friendly crops including the sugarcane, jute and paddy. Though, crops like wheat and barley require moderate temperature and water and therefore can only be grown in winters.

Kharif Crops

These are the crops of monsoon season. These crops are grown in hot and wet condition. The crops are sown in the beginning of June-July and are harvested during September-October. These crops include- Rice, Maize, Groundnut, Soybean, Green gram, Black gram.


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