Gudni Johannesson wins 2016 Presidential election of Iceland

History professor and political newcomer Gudni Johannesson (48) has won the 2016 Presidential election in Iceland.
He will succeed Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, who served as President of Iceland for 20 years i.e. four five year terms as the head of state.
In the 2016 Presidential election, as an independent Gudni Johannesson was able to secure 39.1% votes. He defeated Halla Tomasdottir, a businesswoman without party affiliation, who was able to secure 27.9% votes. While David the former conservative party Prime Minister and Central Bank Governor David Oddsson was placed third and he won just 13% votes.

About Gudni Johannesson

  • Gudni Johannesson is historian and lecturer at the University of Iceland, Bifrost University and University of London.
  • He is an expert on political history, diplomacy and the constitution. He has not yet mentioned which political party he supports.
  • He has published a number of works, including on the Cod Wars, 2008–11 Icelandic financial crisis and Icelandic presidency.
  • He has written a biography of Gunnar Thoroddsen (former PM of Iceland) and a book about the presidency of Kristjan Eldjarn.

President of Iceland: He is elected head of state and holds a largely ceremonial position and has limited powers. He has term of four-years and is elected by universal adult suffrage. He carries the powers to block legislation and acts as a guarantor of the constitution and national unity. Since Iceland became a Republic in 1944, there have been five elected presidents.


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