Govt to set up panel for National Employment Policy

The central government has planned to set up a committee for National Employment Policy (NEP), which seeks to create a roadmap for improving job opportunities in India.


  • The committee will comprise of representatives from Ministry of labour and other ministries.
  • It will also include prominent people from industry.
  • It will be a high-powered committee, of which views and recommendations will be taken.

National Employment Policy (NEP)

The NEP seeks to create a sector-wise strategy to improve the potential of job creation by pulling investments towards employment-intensive sectors, attracting new industries by creating an enabling environment and by policy interventions. It will be created based on data from five all-India labour surveys and E-Shram portal for facilitating evidence-based policymaking to generate employment. Following the consultations, it will be sent for cabinet approval.

AQEES survey

The first All-India Quarterly Establishment-based Employment Survey (AQEES) was launched in September 2021, for the April-June 2021 quarter. This survey is conducted by Labour Bureau, an office of Ministry of Labour & Employment. As per Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), unemployment rate had touched a record high of 23.52%, in April 2020. During April-June 2020-21 quarter, around 121 million jobs were lost, the highest ever monthly job loss on record since it started compiling employment data.

E-Shram Portal

Labour Ministry had launched the E-Shram portal on August 26, 2021. The platform registers an estimated 380 million informal & unorganised workers like construction workers, street vendors, domestic workers, gig & platform workers, agricultural & migrant workers, and other unorganised workers. This portal will facilitate the implementation of policies for unorganised sector. Portal will help in monitoring and supervising government policies as well as ensure that benefits reach the targeted group.


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