Govt plans to set up National Farmers Database

The Government of India has announced plans to set up a National Farmers Database. This database will consist of the country’s digitized land records and will aid in online single sign-on facilities for universal access and will also provide services to the farmers like weather advisories, direct benefit transfer, information on neighbouring logistic facilities and insurance facilities etc.


  • Agriculture Minister of India, Narendra Singh Tomar announced this database for the farmers in the Lok Sabha on July 27th 
  • Through this  database the farmers can avail various personalized services such as soil and plant health advisories, direct benefit transfer, irrigation facilities, seamless credit and insurance facilities, weather advisories, seeds, pesticide related information, fertilisers, nearby logistic facilities, peer to peer lending of farm equipments and market access information.

Aim of National Farmers Database

The primary aim of this database is to increase the income level of farmers of the nation by developing data based solutions from the available data so that the input costs of the farmers are reduced. It will also ensure ease of farming, improved quality and will also look into getting the farmers better price for their produce. Data of the farmers who own legal farming lands in the country will be fed into this database. Once the database is ready, the Government of India will be able to make use of the available data for targeted service delivery with a higher efficiency rate and in a time bound and focused manner.


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