Govt announced New Scheme for Tourist Vehicle Operators

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has announced a new scheme with the objective of promoting tourism and increasing state revenues. The new set of rules will be known as “All India Tourist Vehicles Authorization & Permit Rules, 2021”. The new scheme was announced in the light of increasing travel and tourism in India.

Key Points

These new rules under the scheme will be applicable from April 1, 2021. Under the scheme, any tourist vehicle operator can apply to get “All India Tourist Authorization or Permit” in the online mode. The ministry highlighted that, permit will be issued after submitting relevant documents and fees within 30 days of submitting such applications. However, the existing permits will be in force until their validity. The rules notified by the Ministry are in line with providing seamless movement for the tourist passenger vehicles. The rules were notified after goods carriage vehicles under National Permit Regime got successful. The scheme allows the flexibility in form of authorization or permit being granted. Flexibility is allowed for a period of three months or its multiples however, it shall not exceed three years at a time.


These new set of rules for the tourist vehicle operators and permits will help in promoting the tourism across the states in India. It will also help in increasing the revenue of state governments. It will help in consolidating a central database and fees of all the authorization or permits.


These rules were notified after the 39th and 40th Transport Development Council meetings.

Transport Development Council

The council is the highest body that advise the Government with respect to the matters related to roads and road transport. The Union Minister of Road Transport & Highways acts as the Chairman of this Council. The council held its meeting at least one time in a year.


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