Government Schemes for Natural Rubber Industry in India

The government policy towards natural rubber can be divided into two parts viz. Support to traditional regions (Kerala & Tamil Nadu) and support to non-traditional regions (includes North East India and any other place beyond Kerala & TN). These are implemented by Rubber Board.

Non-traditional region
  • Financial assistance to Rubber Producers Societies (RPS) and Self Help Groups (SHGs) of rubber producers for procurement of equipments
  • Plantation development and extension programmes, which are aimed at productivity enhancement and quality upgradation.
  • There is a government scheme called Rubber Development in North East (RDNE), which focuses on new plantation of rubber in North East region.
Traditional Region
  • For Kerala, Tamil Nadu and non-traditional regions other than North East (mainly Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Odisha and West Bengal), there is a Rubber Plantation Development (RPD) scheme. This scheme provides financial support for planting of new rubber plants and technical assistance by means of planting subsidy; planting material assistance; providing HYV of planting materials / clones and better agro-management practices. Government had released two high yielding varieties viz. RRII417 and RRII 422 during 11th RSS-4 & RSS-3 are other important varieties of rubber in India.

Other Government Measures for the safeguard of Rubber cultivators

  • To protect the interest of the growers, government increased basic custom duty on imported Natural Rubber. But this has aggravated the problem of domestic buyers, because on one side they are facing erratic supply of domestic rubber while on other side, they have to pay higher price for imported rubber.
  • The NDA government has also created an expert committee of various stakeholders to draft a National Policy on Rubber.

 Rubber Board of India

The Rubber Board is a statutory body constituted by the Government of India, under the Rubber Act 1947, for the overall development of the rubber industry in the country. It is located in Kottayam.

What else should be done?

Natural rubber is one of the key productive assets of our country. There is a need to encourage growers by not only protection of their interest by means of imposing duty; but also to help them take periodic stock, planting and replanting initiatives.

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