Government Policy around Hajj Subsidy

Haj Subsidy / Hajj Subsidy is a subsidy given to Muslim Hajj pilgrims in the form of discounted air fares. On 16 January, 2018, the government of India has declared to end the Hajj subsidy from 2018.

Historical Background of Hajj Subsidy

Hajj on state expenses was first organized by Mughal emperor Akbar. He had also founded a hospice for pilgrims at Mecca and had signed a treaty with the Portuguese to allow pilgrim ships to pass through the red sea.

In Modern India, the subsidy to hajj pilgrims had started in British era in 1930s when the British Government enacted a Port Haj Committees Act. This law made provisions for establishment of Hajj Committee and two embarkation points for Hajj Pilgrims in India at Bombay and Calcutta.

After independence, the above act was replaced by Hajj Committee Act, 1959. This act established the Hajj committee, Bombay to oversee and regulate Hajj pilgrim from India. Under this act, a provision was made to provide funds for overhead expenses of pilgrims from government funds. In the wake of oil crisis of 1973 and an accident (in 1973) that killed many Hajj pilgrims, the government abolished the sea travel as a means of Hajj in 1973. With this, the government started providing subsidy as difference between sea travel and air travel. Currently, over one Lakh pilgrims make use of the Hajj subsidy. The Hajj subsidy costs around Rs. 600-900 crore to the government.

Issues and Controversies around Hajj

The number of Hajj pilgrims from India is largest among all countries around of world. The opposition to Hajj subsidy mainly comes from three sections viz. Muslims, Hindu right and Travel agents.

Opposition to Hajj Subsidy from Muslims

Muslims have time and again opposed Hajj subsidy mainly because Holy Quran’s verse 97 in Surah 3, Al-e-Imran mandates that Hajj should be taken up only if a Muslim can afford it. Doing Hajj with any financial support from others is against the very purpose of the Hajj. In 2010, the Minority Affairs Ministry had also formally opposed providing Hajj subsidy because it’s against the teachings of Islam.

Opposition to Hajj Subsidy from Hindu Right

Hindu Right has opposed Hajj Subsidy because it considered it a political tool of Muslim appeasement. There are more than 50 Islamic countries in the world, but subsidy for Hajj is hardly provided by state in any of these countries. As per them, Hajj subsidy is a burden on taxpayers. Since the government does not provide subsidy for pilgrims to other religions, it should abolish Hajj subsidy also. Further, it is against the principle of secularism and marked an appeasement of the minority community

Opposition from Travel Agents

Hajj pilgrimage is a huge market. While in other neighbouring countries like Pakistan, the private firms control much of the Hajj market, in India, the 75% of the Hajj pilgrimage is under state control and has been used for political purposes. We note that earlier, the High Courts of Madras and Kerala had overturned the restrictions on private travel agents who wanted to enter the Hajj travel business because such restrictions amounted to violation of fundamental right to trade.

Further, Hajj traffic is shared by Air India and Air Saudia, the national carriers of India and Saudi Arabia. The monopoly of these airlines is the most controversial part as some Muslims claimed Air India is the subsidy’s real beneficiary.

Supreme Court 2012 order on Hajj Subsidy

In May 2012, the Supreme Court declared Hajj subsidy unconstitutional and ordered the government to begin phasing out Hajj subsidy by 2022. The order of court reiterated the verses of Holy Quran and said that the amount spent should be used in education and other measures for social development of the minority community.

January, 2018 Abolition of Hajj Subsidy

The abolition of Hajj Subsidy would affect around 1.75 Lakh Muslims who have registered to go for pilgrimage in 2018 (which is highest ever). Despite that, most Muslim organizations are expected to welcome this move.

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