Government gives nod to MoU between India and Israel in the field of water resources

The Union Cabinet has given its approval for signing MoU between India and Israel in the field of water resources management and development cooperation.
The bilateral cooperation between both countries will benefit them in strengthening the techniques in efficient use of water, micro-irrigation.
It would also help them in recycling and re-use of waste water, aquifer recharge, desalination and in-situ water conservation techniques.
Both countries will form a joint working group to monitor the activities to be carried out for the fulfilment of provisions mentioned in the MoU.
Israel which is one of arid country in West Asia has pioneered different water conservation and water management techniques to overcome the issue of water scarcity. Its pioneering techniques include efficiency use of water, micro-irrigation, reuse of waste water, desalination, aquifer recharge etc.
The Union Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation has envisaged bilateral cooperation route with other countries in the field water resources development and management through sharing of policy and technical expertise.
India already has entered into agreements in this regard with countries like Australia, China, Bahrain Cambodia, Rwanda, Iran, Fiji and Iraq for water resources management and development cooperation


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