Government launches six new user friendly features of e-NAM Platform

The Union Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare have launched six new features of National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) Platform to make it more users friendly.
The six new features are e-NAM Mobile App, BHIM payment facility, new and improved Website with eLearning Module, MIS Dashboard, Grievance Redressal Management System for Mandi Secretaries and Integration with Farmer Database.

e-NAM Platform

e-NAM is one of major and important flagship schemes implemented by Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare. Its objective is to provide competitive and remunerative price to farmers for their produce through online competitive and transparent bidding process.
e-NAM is pan-India e-trading platform. It is designed to create unified national market for agricultural commodities. Its objective is to provide competitive and remunerative price to farmers for their produce through online competitive and transparent bidding process.
It integrates Central Farmer Database to increase the efficiency and reduce queue time. It was launched in 21 Mandis in April 2016 and now expanded to 479 Mandis across 14 states and 1 Union Territory. It is now available in 8 different languages and its live trading facility is available in six different languages.
Using it, farmers can showcase their produce online from their nearest market and traders can quote price from anywhere. It seeks to increase number of traders and greater competition. It will also ensure open price discovery and better returns to farmers.



  1. Tulasitej

    February 26, 2018 at 11:54 pm

    Superb..for the gk information.

  2. Tulasitej

    February 26, 2018 at 11:54 pm

    Superb..for the gk information.


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