Government launches Revamped Aadhaar Toll-Free Helpline No. 1947

Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has launched a revamped version of its Toll-free helpline number: 1947, in the wake of growing usage of Aadhaar number in the services like Banking, government welfare schemes etc.

Key facts

  • The service will be free of cost and will be available on all days on IVRS (Interactive Voice Response System) mode. In addition call-centre agents will be available from 7 am to 11 pm (Monday to Saturday) and 8 am to 5 pm (Sundays).
  • The service will enable residents to get quick access to information about Aadhaar like Aadhaar Enrolment Centre, generation status of Aadhaar number etc. It can be availed both through mobile and landline.


This service is beneficial as the Aadhaar numbers are increasingly being used in the banking sector to identify individuals. The Aadhaar number has been widely used by the public in the wake of de-monetisation.


Aadhaar is a 12-digit individual identification number issued by UIDAI. Aadhaar is a digitally verifiable identity and can be authenticated anytime, anywhere in the country. Its chances of its misuse are limited.

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