Government launches Liveability Index to rate 116 Indian cities

The Union Ministry of Housing and Urban affairs (MoHUA) launched the Liveability index to rate 116 Indian cities.
Liveability index is tool that aims to measure quality of life in 99 smart cities, capital cities and those with a population of over one million. It will be funded by the World Bank and ranking of these cities is expected to be ready by June 2018.

Key Facts

The index is set of indicators to assess the liveability standards in cities. It will measure the quality of life in 116 major cities including capital cities and those with population over one million. It will assess cities on comprehensive set of 79 parameters. Marks scored will decide the quantum of incentive. These 79 parameters (57 core indicators and 22 supporting indicators) are based on four broad pillars: physical (weightage 45%), institutional (25%), social (25%) and economic (5%).
These parameters includes local governance, education, employment, social infrastructure, health, safety, physical infrastructure such as housing, availability of open spaces, security, land use, energy, availability of water, solid waste management, pollution, etc.
IPSOS Research Private Limited in alliance with Athena Infonomics India Private Limited and Economist Group Limited were selected for assessing the liveability indices in 116 cities. They were selected through an international bidding process under World Bank-funded Capacity Building for Urban Development (CBUD) program. This assessment will be conducted along with Economic Intelligence Unit of The Economist, a London-based weekly that has already developed a liveability ranking for 140 cities globally.


The rating will help cities attain a liveable city status, get them more investments and improve tourism. It will also serve as a knowledge base for taking policy decisions and for planning. The index marks shift to data driven approach to urbanisation and promote competitive spirit among cities.
These indicators are organised in 15 distinct categories, designed for measuring various institutional, social, economic and physical aspects that affect quality of life of citizens and determine the liveability of  city.


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