Government to launch modified direct cash subsidy transfer for LPG consumers from January 1, 2015

NDA government is launching, the modified version of Direct Benefit Transfer for LPG ( DBTL) scheme in 54 districts from 15th November 2014 and all over the country from 1st January 2014.
The petroleum ministry is working on this in order to ensure that there is coordination between the oil companies and banks so that consumers smoothly get the LPG subsidy in their bank accounts,
Direct Benefit Transfer for LPG (DBTL) scheme is expected to save the government upto Rs 14,000 crores in subsidies and aims curbing leakages, preventing black-marketing and sending gas subsidy to the consumers’ bank accounts.
How Direct Benefit Transfer for LPG (DBTL) scheme will work?

  • All LPG consumers who join the modified DBTL scheme can receive the LPG cash subsidy either by linking their Aadhaar number to the LPG and bank database as the primary option.
  • Else, they will get the subsidy directly into their accounts without linking it with Aadhaar as a secondary option.
  • Under the scheme, LPG consumers will get cash subsidy in their bank accounts so they can buy a cooking gas cylinder at market price.

The Prime Minister’s Office has directed the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) and the National Population Register (NPR) to complete the Aadhaar enrolment of the entire population by March, 2015r. UIDAI has already issued over 70 crore Aadhar numbers across the country.
The main intention for Aadhaar enrolment is to implement social schemes with Aadhaar.


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