Government exempts devices operating in low frequency range from licensing norms

Department of Telecom (DoT) has exempted wireless devices that operate in low frequency range like bluetooth, wireless chargers, internet-of-things (IoT) products, medical devices etc. from licensing requirement. The move aimed at facilitating ease of doing business for adoption of new technologies like IoT, machine-to-machine (M2M) communications both in industrial and consumer applications.

Key Facts

Henceforth, no licence will be required by any person to establish, maintain, work, possess or deal in any wireless equipment for purpose of usage of very low power radio frequency devices or equipments. It will be application for inductive applications in frequency bands of 302 to 435 KHz (kilohertz), 855 to 1050 KHz and 1.89 to 2.31 MHz on non-interference, non-protection and shared (non-exclusive) basis.

Department of Telecom (DoT)

It is nodal department of Ministry of Communications. It is headquartered in New Delhi. It is responsible for formulating developmental policies aimed at accelerating growth of telecommunication services in the country. It is also grants licenses for various telecom services like Unified Access Service Internet and VSAT service. It is also responsible for frequency management in field of radio communication in close coordination with international bodies. It also enforces wireless regulatory measures by monitoring wireless transmission of all users in the country.


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