Google: Tangi Application; AI Model for Killer Whales; 1 million USD Grant

On January 31, 2020, Google announced I million USD grant to promote news literacy among Indians. Also, the organization has launched a new application called “Tangi”.

Highlights: Grant

The Google News Initiative has announced to contribute 1 million USD grant to improve news literacy of Indians. The grant is to be used to build a strong network against fake news producers in the country. Around 300 workshops, boot camps and sessions are to be organized to train journalists, academicians and fast-checkers on the authentication of the published content on the internet. The training is to be provided in 7 Indian languages

Highlights: Tangi Application

The Tangi Application of Google focuses on Do It Yourself videos. The name of the application has been inspired from TeAch aNd GIve.

Highlights: AI Model

Google has used an AI model that listens to Killer Whales, identifies the origin of sound and displays its location. The model has been installed in Canada. According to Centre for Whale Research, only 73 Southern Resident Orcas (a sub species of Killer Whales) are left in the world


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