GOI: World’s largest Face Recognition system in India to track criminals

GoI has asked the IT companies across the world to send proposals to NCRB (National Crime Record Bureau) to install world’s largest facial recognition system. The winner of the bids will create National Automated Facial Recognition System (AFRS). The step is an effort towards information gathering, police force modernization, criminal identification and verification.

About AFRS

The System will match images from India’s CCTV camera network. The network will include data from various government agencies. This will help to create a robust system to identify criminals, missing chinldre, unidentified dead bodies, etc. With NCRB’s recent report on India’s crimes, the system will help to change the current scenario. The crimes have increased by 3.6% in 2017 as compared to 2015.


There are possibilities for misuse of the technology. The system should have a strong security wall to protect the data collected. Also there should be a strong regulatory framework for facial recognition as it is linked to prople’s right to privacy. There is no such framework in India to regulate the storage of facial recognition data.


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